CASH SETTERS breeds and trains Llewellins. Chuy Garcia and his young sons run this family own kennel. His Llewellin lineage dates back 9 generations and all dogs are listed with DNA testing in the Field Dog Stud Book. Located in Southeast Iowa. 

HEARTS ON FIRE maintains membership with the mother clubs of our breeds to stay up to date on breed standards and requirements to aid in our breeding program.  We are members of  The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America as well as the GSP Club of Indiana.  For the Bracco Italiano, we support the Bracco Italiano Club of America..

Amy Musia

HEARTS ON FIRE Kennel works in association with L'Angelo D'Oro Kennel in Denmark on Bracco Italianos.  Together we are working to bring a solid, healthy lineage that adheres to the form of the old traditional bracco into the USA.  I health test all of my dogs before breeding! 


Our dogs are started from birth on Purina Focus and move to Purina Pro Plan Sport as well as Taste of Wild.  They are well socialized and are free fed.  We feel this creates an environment of trust with each other and an overall balance of working together. 

We are members of NAVHDA, AKC, QUGA, KBPA.  Within these organizations we  field and hunt test our dogs each year to monitor their progress as the VERSATILE dogs that we breed. Excelling to reaching new heights.

We train our own dogs the NAVHDA way using old traditional methods of training as well as the Garmin Alpha.

Ihave had a relationship with German Shorthairs for over 40 years.  My first ones came from the original German imports of Arrak Von Heisterholz and Gretchen von Grief.  The first time I took that offspring into the field, I was 18 and Brancusi was 18 months and boy did he WOW me.  I had done a lot of research and knew their capabilities, but never had witnessed it.  Without any training, Brancusi went on point at great distance.   When I finally got to him, there he was on a hard point and quail were weaving a path in and around his legs.  He NEVER broke point until I flushed the birds and shots were fired!  That boy sold me on GSPs forever and my love affair with them continues.  The last four years, I decided to enjoy what I have worked hard for being a studio artist and decided to spend some time with my Shorthairs and see what they could do in the testing world.  I joined NAVHDA, a pointing breeds club and a quail club. Learning these venues has been fun and rewarding for my dogs as well as me.  The shorthairs have been very adaptable to it while bringing home Prize ones and titles because they love the interaction and to say the least…………the hunt for BIRDS! This year we go to the NAVHDA Invitational with Gunther, my “Freighttrain” and buddy!
In 2012, I found an infatuation for the Bracco Italiano.  In my search, I came across a solid and knowledgeable breeder in Denmark. This turned into a delightful working partnership with Lisbeth Bo Strunck, owner of L'Angelo D'Oro Kennel and two young Bracci joined Hearts On Fire Kennel, Trizzo and Pearl who came to Indiana in the fall of 2014 at 3 months of age.  They were hunters from the get go and in the show ring naturals.
I will forever be a GSP person; they touch my heart and stir my soul. The Bracco has made a nice balance to the kennel by bringing a gaited and closer to medium range dog with a great soft personality. However, you have to watch these longears.  They will do to you what they have done to me.......STOLE MY HEART.  So easy to love because the MUST have a human to rely on and to find stability.  I was so lucky to meet and develop a great partnership with Lisbeth Bo Strunck. Lisbeth and I are a great team from Denmark to here in Indiana and beyond.  Our team's journey continues to be an exciting one.  

A bit about Hearts On Fire

Our dogs' health is regularly monitored and go to a duo that practices traditional veterinarian medicine as well as holistic.  We recommend that future Hearts On Fire dog owners to do the same as it gives our dogs the best of both worlds and affords them a longer and stronger and healthier life.